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A member registered May 28, 2022

Recent community posts

aaaaand how do i get a flower boucet i got the tulip from rose but how do i get it to the boucet

hey guys i completed the lizard stature but i cant move in the ate or tunnel or what it alwas crashes the game. is it because the game is still wip?

thank you so much

thank you very much sweety

im at the witch task for the egg at the tempel can i realy find it there or do i need to find a differend place and if yes how to find this place?

im on the stature task and well i put the hat back and met the witch i hope for this task but how do i get to the bandits camp?

ok thank you anyway <3


i wanna ask about harold is it posible to bring him to love me? if yes ho can i do it i trie desperatly but i get only likes.

thanky you :)